Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Rain Man

If you are looking for a film that will:be inspiring,classic cinema,and have world class actors.

Type: Drama (1988)
Length: 133 minutes
My rating (out of 10):7
One word description: Gripping

Overview: Charlie (Tom Cruise) a greedy, self-centered city worker finds out that the fortune left after his father has been given to his autistic brother Raymond (Dustin Hoffman) of whom no one told him about.They travel together as Charlie tries to deal with the troublesome sibling and get back the money he thinks he deserves.

Sum-up of what to expect:
  • Extraordinary acting from world class famous actors including one of the best performances from Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman
  • An inspiring story plot which although does not seem shocking or revolutionary today  demonstrates how little knowledge of mental illnesses there was at the time as well as the unfair way people believed to be different were treated by others.

Conclusion: A classic film with amazing actors and inspirational story.

Would I watch it again? Yes

Have you seen it? Share what you thought about it in the comment section below :)

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