Monday, 8 July 2013

In Time

If you are looking for a film that will:be different,exciting and full of suspense

Type: Action/Sc-fi/Thriller
Length: 109 minutes
My rating (out of 10):6
One word description: Impressive

In a world where everyone remains looking 25 and are engineered to live just one more year unless they can buy,steal or inherit more time Will (Justin Timberlake) lives from day to day and counts his every minute.
 After being accused of murder and running away with a hostage (Amanda Seyfried) a daughter of an influential businessman  he has to find a way to change or destroy the unjust system which allows the rich to live forever whilst the poor fight to survive another day.

 Sum-up of what to expect:
  • A great concept for a story line which is unique and breath-taking from the beginning
  • Suspense and action throughout the whole of the film
  • A bit of Bonnie and Clyde
  • Many familiar faces from The Big Bang Theory has a small part as well as Alex Pettyfer and Olivia Wilde

Here's the trailer:

Conclusion: An action and suspense-full film with great storyline.

Would i watch it again? Yes

Have you seen it? What did you thought about it?
Share your comment below :)

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