Monday, 17 June 2013

Silver Linings Playbook

 Mood Type: Happy, looking for a decent chick flick

Type: Comedy/Romance
Length: 122 minutes
My rating (out of 10): 7.5
One word description: Hilarious

Pat (Bradley Cooper) comes back from a mental institution to live with his parents and tries to get his ex-wife to come back to him. However, he meets and develops an unusual friendship with Tiffany(Jennifer Lawrence) who  persuades him to go on the date with her and participate in the dance competition so that his plan begins to complicate more and more.

  • A strong and interesting plot which does not drag on even though the best scenes are towards the end. 
  •    It is not overly sloppy, romantic or dramatic and the addition of new facts about the characters at different stages complete the plot well(so don’t panick If you don’t understand everything at the beginning
  • The acting is believable and most of the characters are likeable and genuinely amusing 
  •  A funny, feel-good movie which shows different addictions, illnesses and everyday problems. It also has a positive, clear moral which many will be able to relate to. 

 Worth Watching:Yes
 Worth Paying For:Yes
Would I watch it again?:Yes

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